1st Bezmialem National Dentistry Student Workshop was Organized 1/16/2019

​Hosted  by our university , The First National Dentistry Student Workshop was held with an active participation.

Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, Faculty of Dentistry Dean Prof. Dr. Alper Alkan, our executives, academicians, students and different academicians and students from other cities and universities participated at the event which lasted for two days.

Our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, who held the opening speeches at the workshop which began with a moment of silence and the National Anthem, stated ;

"I would like to state that I am in joy of being together with our esteemed students, academicians and our precious guests who are members of our Bezmialem Family in the National Dentistry Student Workshop. As universities that bind importance to education, research and human investment, we work together to improve the quality of our students in dentistry so that they can keep up with the developments in the field of health and to monitor the changes and developments in the world.

I would like to express my gratitude to the valuable physicians and students, who will continue to carry out important projects that will make a difference in health in our country, for all their efforts. I would also like to mention our precious guests who enrich our workshop with their participation. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the esteemed academicians who will share their vast knowledge with us and the students of the faculty of dentistry who will carry out their presentations."

Faculty of Dentistry Dean Prof. Dr. Alper Alkan began his speech by first thanking the Faculty  of Dentistry students and faculty members who had great efforts in the planning and effectuation of the congress and continued as;

"As we all know, the need for dentistry is increasing day by day as the interest and awareness towards dental treatments are developing. Undoubtedly, dentistry is among the careers that are expected to be required more in the future.

In this aspect, as Bezmialem Vakıf University, where we say "health comes first", we aim to make sure that all our students become well equipped physicians with our education and numerous clinics.

I hope that each of you will leave the first Bezmialem National Dentistry Student Workshop, which I believe will be a program that will expand the horizons of young physicians and esteemed physicians in many areas of dentistry, with gained knowledge."

The workshop ended with a series of scientific presentations by experts and academicians in the field, followed by fun video presentations and a music concert at the  session titled "Dentistry in the Social Media Era".


1st Bezmialem National Dentistry Student Workshop was Organized