The webinar 'Genetic Diagnosis in Rare Diseases and Methods of Bearing Healthy Children' was held in cooperation with the Department of Medical Genetics and the Continuing Education Center in order to draw attention to rare diseases and to share the diagnosis methods of rare diseases.
Our rare diseases event, which we physically organize at our university every year, was held online this year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The opening speech of the webinar was also moderated by our academician at the Department of Medical Genetics, Dr. Bülent Uyanık. Uyanık said, "I wish for this webinar to be one where we will convey the genetic diagnosis of diseases in rare genetic diseases, testing whether there are sick children in the next pregnancies of families, testing whether the embryos are healthy, transferring the healthy one to the mother, and conveying the methods of bearing healthy children in these methods."
Dr. Bülent Uyanık then carried out his presentation titled “Genetic Studies in the Diagnosis of Rare Diseases." Following Dr. Bülent Uyanık, our academician from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assoc. Prof. Pınar Özcan shared her presentation titled “In Vitro Fertilization for Genetic Sorting" with the participants. Following Assoc. Prof. Pınar Özcan, Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Serdar Küçük presented his presentation titled “Prenatal Diagnosis and Impression in Rare Diseases." Finally, in the webinar, Prof. Dr. Volkan Baltacı carried out a presentation titled “The Genetics of Having Healthy Children".
The questions were answered by the participants and the webinar ended after the closing speeches.