Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, bid farewell to their 2019-2020 Academic Year Graduates.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in our country and throughout the world, our Faculty of Medicine Graduation Ceremony was held online. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, Our Assistant Rector Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Tuncay, Assistant Rector Prof. Dr. Fadlullah Aksoy, Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Ramazan Özdemir, Our General Secretary Dr. Zeynep Görmezoğlu, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Özlem Su Küçük, Prof. Dr. Teoman Aydın, Assistant General Secretary Hatice Kösretaş, our academics and managers joined the ceremony from our university senate room and through the online platform.
Addressing our graduates at the ceremony, our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu stated, "You have successfully reached the end of your long-term, hard medical education. Now you have opened a new chapter in your life and have been entitled to receive your graduation certificates which we will present to you as a result of all your efforts. First of all, I congratulate each and every one of you and embrace you with love. "
Underlining that they have intensely struggled with the COVID-19 Pandemic as the Bezmiâlem Family, our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu stated; "As you know, there have been major changes in our lives over the past few months … Concepts such as masks and disinfectants, which we know very well, have now entered the lives of the whole society. As the Bezmiâlem Vakıf University Family, we have also struggled intensely with this challenging COVID-19 Pandemic experienced throughout the world and our country. Ever since the first day of the pandemic, we have worked hard for our patients and the health of our community. By introducing the concept of "controlled social life" to our lives, we have learned to steer away from some habits for the well-being of our loved ones, ourselves and the society. One of them being the graduation ceremony which we have carried out here today, online. "
Our Rector, who handed out advice to our graduates regarding their professional lives, continued: "As of today, a new and clean future is awaiting you. Each of you will wear your white coat and start practising your profession with great excitement and pride. You should not forget that the profession of medicine always requires great responsibility and, as the process we are experiencing today has shown us closely, "sacrifice". I believe and trust that you are all aware of this responsibility and will fulfill your duty, worthy of the honor of your profession, in all regions regardless of religion, language, race, gender. "
After our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu's speech, the Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Ramazan Özdemir, addressed our students; "Our dear graduates, today as one of the first health themed universities in Turkey, Bezmiâlem Vakıf University's Faculty of Medicine is bidding farewell to its 4th graduates. You have successfully completed a long and exhaustive training process with intense effort and exertion. In addition to all these difficulties, COVID-19 Pandemic also affected your education and training process. You have carried out great efforts under these conditions. I congratulate all of you with all my heart and wish you continued success. "
The 2019-2020 academic year ended with the Faculty of Medicine Graduation ceremony, that was held online, following the recital of the names of our graduates, the Hypocratic Oath and a representational cap throwing.