Bezmiâlem Radiology Days-II “Non-Mass Findings in Mammography" webinar, which was organized under the coordination of the Department of Radiology, was held with the participation of expert speakers. In the program where our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu gave the opening speech, she stated; "I am happy to be together in a new “Radiology Days" program. I would like to thank my colleagues and team who contributed to the organization of the event. Today we will talk about non-mass findings in mammography. I will follow it with interest ".
Following the opening speech of our Rector, the moderator of the program left the floor to Prof. Dr. Levent Çelik, an academic at Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology. In the first session of the event, our university's Radiology Department academic Prof. Dr. Şeyma Yıldız carried out a presentation titled “Microcalcifications in Mammography". After Prof. Dr. Şeyma Yıldız, Prof. Dr. Serap Gültekin, an academic from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, carried out a presentation titled "Structural Distortion and Asymmetries".
The scientific team answered the questions asked by the audience on Youtube, where the program was broadcast. In the last part of the program, the participants held scientific discussions over the case examples presented by Dr. Fatma Çelik Yabul. The webinar ended after the closing speeches of the participants.