Big Data and Bioinformatics Laboratory


The Bioinformatics Lab at BILSAB, led by Dr Khan, has a wide array of interests in solving biological problems. Specifically, the lab is interested in the area of biological data warehousing and applications of data science to the study of immune responses, vaccines, viruses, venom toxins, drug design, and disease biomarkers. 

Publications (selected):

Işık EB, Brazas MD, Schwartz R, Gaeta B, Palagi PM, van Gelder CWG, Suravajhala P, Singh H, Morgan SL, Zahroh H, Ling M, Satagopam VP, McGrath A, Nakai K, Tan TW, Gao G, Mulder N, Schönbach C, Zheng Y, De Las Rivas J, Khan AM. Grand challenges in bioinformatics education and training. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 Aug;41(8):1171-1174. doi: 10.1038/s41587-023-01891-9. [Public link:]. [*Corresponding author]. 

Raman HS, Tan S, August JT, Khan AM*. Dynamics of Influenza A virus (H5N1) protein sequence diversity. PeerJ. 2020, e7954 [*Corresponding author].  

Suwinski P, Poh YM, Ling MHT, Ong CK, Khan AM* and Ong HS*. Advancing personalized medicine through the application of whole exome sequencing and big data analytics. Frontiers in Genetics. 2019, 10, 49. [*Co-Corresponding author].  

Khan AM*, Hu Y, Miotto O, Thevasagayam NM, Sukumaran R, Raman HSA, Brusic V, Tan TW and August, JT. Analysis of Viral Diversity for Vaccine Target Discovery. BMC Med. Genomics. 2017. 10(4), 78. [*Corresponding author] [Award = Best Paper, Gold @ International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) 2017]  

Lim WC and Khan AM*. Mapping HLA-A2, -A3, and -B7 supertype-restricted T-cell epitopes in ebolavirus proteome. BMC Genomics. 2018, 19 (1), 42. [*Corresponding author; Award = Best Paper, Gold @ International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) 2017]

Outlink (GScholar, AVESIS, or ORCID ID): ​

Grants (Completed):​

​2020-2023 ​​​​
Title: International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers 

Identification number: 118C314 

Sponsor: Scientific and Technologic​al Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 

Total direct cost: TLR 3,5​89,753 ​

Role: Principal Investigator​

Title: Advanced Studies Institutes (ASI); International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) 

Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF), USA 

Total direct cost: USD 300,000 

Role: Collaborator 



 Title: Cross-Disciplinary Training for Future Computational Biologists in Asia

Sponsor: Asi@Connect (

Total direct cost: Approx. Euro 150,000

Role: Collaborator

Partners: USA, UK, Malaysia, Turkey, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, and Singapore.



Title: Building a high bandwidth distributed High Performance Computing

Sponsor: Asi@Connect (

Total direct cost: Approx. Euro 150,000

Role: Collaborator

Partners: Australia, Korea, Pakistan, Malaysia and Turkey


Title: Educational workflow on computer aided drug design:

investigating possible inhibitors against Factor H as a case study

Sponsor: National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC), Singapore

Total direct cost: 1M corehours and 0.1TB of storage (in-kind)

Role: Co-PI



Title: Cheminformatics-based, high-throughput virtual screening for candidate inhibitory peptides against the spike protein of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

Sponsor: Bezmialem Vakif University

Total direct cost: TLR 20,000

Principal Investigator: Assist. Prof. Dr Serdar Uysal

Role:  Collaborator (lead, bioinformatics component of the project)



Title: Bilgisayar yardımlı geliştirilen Fakt.r H inhibit.rlerinin glioblastoma hayvan modellerinin tedavisinde kullanımının değerlendirilmesi

Sponsor: Bezmialem Vakif University

Total direct cost: TLR 22,550.19

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu

Role:  Collaborator (lead, bioinformatics component of the project)


  1. The development of a Viral Variome Analyzer (ViVA) with application to surveillance, diagnostics, drug design and vaccine target discovery. 
  1. Novel Coronavirus (nCoV): Acute Respiratory Infection Clinical Characterisation Data Tool Design. 
  1. Investigating possible inhibitors against Factor H in relation to glioblastoma. 
  1. Large-scale analysis of B-cell epitopes on Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike protein – implications for cross-reactivity of neutralizing antibodies. 
  1. Mapping and characterising sequences shared between coronaviruses and human proteomes: structural, functional and immunological implications. 

Tools Developed

Tool Description​

Viral Variome Analyser (ViVA) is a systematic bioinformatics approach as an ecosystem to understand viral diversity and map targets that can facilitate dia​gnostic, surveillance, drug, and vaccine design by processing the large amounts of viral sequence data and metadata produced by genomics, proteomics, and host-pathogen interaction studies, available in public databases, which are continuing to grow rapidly.


Status: In Progress


Sequence Diversity Dynamics Visualisers and Interpreter (SEVANT) is an all-in-one visualizer-interpreter that uses an embedded Diversity Motif Analyser (DiMA) Python package to quantify and dissect viral protein sequence diversity dynamics. The resulting output is then visualized as plot/tables, delineating inherent patterns in the organization of sequence changes that function in the viral fitness selection.


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Diversity Motif Analyser (DiMA) is a tool designed to facilitate the dissection of protein sequence diversity dynamics for viruses. DiMA provides a quantitative measure of sequence diversity by use of Shannon's entropy, applied via a user-defined k-mer sliding window.


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Motif Switch Analyser (MoSwA) is a tool that not only identifies all alignment k-mer positions that exhibit motif switching but also provides a multi-faceted and extensive characterization of the switches.


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Cross-Species Transmissibility Analyser (CROSTA) compares the viral protein sequence of two host populations (donor and recipient) that are co-aligned and are analyzed for zoonotic transmission. It provides users with the incidences and motifs of diversity for aligned k-mer positions of each host with a simple interface, including a graphical representation of the results.

Status: In Progres


Inhibitory Drug Target Analyser (IDTA) is a tool to identify conserved sites that can be used as pockets for drug design.

Status: In Progres


Vaccine Target Analyser (VITA) is part of the ViVA ecosystem that aims to give the users the viral sequences that could be used as effective vaccine targets.

Status: In Progres


Diagnostics Target Analyser (DiTA). This tool is to detect the sequences in question and provide the main information that can lead the user to the correct diagnosis.

Status: In Progress


Viva Integration Module (VIM) is the web-based graphical user interface (GUI) for all the analytical modules of VIVA. It allows users to select and perform analysis with SEVANT, IDTA, ViTA, DiTA, and CROSTA applications from the interface at the same time.

Status: In Progress


UNIQmin, a tool that utilises an alignment independent method to generate the minimal set of pathogen sequences, as a way to study their diversity, across any rank of taxonomic lineage. The minimal set refers to the smallest possible number of sequences required to capture the entire repertoire of pathogen peptidome diversity present in a sequence dataset.


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Click Here

Kmerslıcer Mapping shared sequences (Share-ome) #Python code for generating k-mers of any defined length from an input biological sequence kmerslicer is a source code, for constructing/generating generate k-mer (either peptides or nucleotide) sequences of any desired length, based on the sliding window method across given FASTA sequences from an input file.

Click Here


g-FLUA2H is a web-based application focused on the analysis of the dynamics of influenza virus animal-to-human (A2H) mutation transmissions. The application only requires the viral protein sequences from both the animal and human host populations as input datasets.


Click Here


Graduate Courses 

Module code & title: DDD6028, Introductory Bioinformatics. 

Programme: Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD) 

Location: Bezmialem Vakif University, Turkey 

Module code & title: DDD6031, Introductory to Machine Learning 

Programme: Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD) 

Location: Bezmialem Vakif University, Turkey 

Graduate Student Supervision​ 

1. MSc, Rashid Mukaila, Istanbul University. 2021 – 2023. Comparative Diversity Dynamics of Influenza A Virus Subtypes

2. MSc, Faruk Üstünel, Bezialem Vakif University. 2020 – 2022. Dissecting the diversity dynamics of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV). 

3. PhD, Omer Aysar, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bezmialem Vakif University, 2020 – 2022.

Lab Research Team

1. Mohammad Asif Khan, PhD: Principal Investigator

2. Esra Büşra Işık: Research Assistant, TUBITAK Researcher, Project Lead, Lab Manager

3. Ebru Sarsılmaz: Technician, Administrator 

Lab Alumni / Former members

1. Adnaane Bawa: Consultant

2. Ayesha Fatima: Post-Doctoral Fellow, TUBITAK Researcher, Project Lead

3. Emre Herdan: Intern, Project Lead

4. Esin Özkan: Intern, Project Lead

5. Eyyub Selim Ünlü: Intern, TUBITAK Scholar, Project Lead

6. Faruk Üstünel: Research Assistant, Graduate Student (MSc), TUBITAK Researcher, Project Lead

7. Gizem Yılmaz: Intern, Project Lead
8.Gökçen Şahin: Technician, TUBITAK Scholar, Project Lead

9. Hasiba Karimi: Intern, Project Lead

10. Hilal Hekimoğlu: TUBITAK Scholar, Project Lead

11. Levent Faruk Soysal: Intern

12. Li Chuin Chong: International Visiting Researcher, Project Lead

13. Melike Karakaya: TUBITAK Scholar, Project Lead

14. Melda Mermer: Intern, Project Lead

15. Moosa Farhan: Intern

16. Muhammad Farhan Sjaugi: International Visiting Researcher, Project Lead
17. Shan Tharanga: Intern (international; remote), Project Lead

18. Muhammed Miran Öncel: Intern, TUBITAK Scholar, Project Lead

19. Muhammet Çelik: Lab Manager, Project Lead, TUBITAK Scholar, Consultant

20. ​Omer Avşar: Intern

21. Pendy Tok: Intern (international; remote), Project Lead

22. Rashid Mukaila: TUBITAK Scholar, Graduate Student (MSc), Project Lead, Consultant

23. Rumeysa Meriç: Technician, Administrator 

24. Shazia Naqshbandi: Intern

25. Zarife Aslan: Intern, Project Lead

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