Caner Çağlar, PhD.
BILSAB Researcher Profile
Dr. Çağlar's research spans across several different areas involving neurobiology, metabolism, behavior and genetics. He is interested in uncovering the neuronal mechanisms that regulate food related behaviors. Currently, his research program combines cutting-edge technologies in neuroscience and molecular biology to define the neuronal circuitry that is activated or inhibited upon binge eating. In collaboration with researchers at Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and The Rockefeller University, Dr. Caglar has published work in high impact journals such as Cell, Neuron, American Journal of Human Genetics, PNAS, among others.
PhD The Rockefeller University
BSc Bilkent University
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, metabolism, behaviour, genetics, binge eating, obesity
Awards / Honors:
- The Rockefeller University Graduate Fellowship
1.Erson-Omay EZ, Henegariu O, Omay SB, Carrión-Grant G, Clark VE, Çağlar C. Longitudinal analysis of treatment-induced genomic alterations in gliomas. Genome Medicine
2.Jerber, J., Zaki, M. S., E., ... & Caglar C. (2016). Biallelic Mutations in TMTC3, Encoding a Transmembrane and TPR-Containing Protein, Lead to Cobblestone Lissencephaly. The American Journal of Human Genetics.
3.Erson-Omay, E. Z., B., Özduman, K., Caglar C .... (2015). Somatic POLE mutations cause an ultramutated giant cell high-grade glioma subtype with better prognosis. Neuro-oncology,
4.Mishra-Gorur, K., Henegariu, O., Vonhoff, F., Caglar C ... & Baran, B. (2014). Mutations in KATNB1 cause complex cerebral malformations by disrupting asymmetrically dividing neural progenitors. Neuron
5. Ashleigh E. Schaffer, Veerle R.C., Caner Caglar … Frank Baas, Joseph G. Gleeson. CLP1 Founder Mutation Links tRNA Splicing and Maturation to Cerebellar Development and Neurodegeneration. CELL
6. Ahmet Okay Caglayan, Jacob F. Phillip B. Murray, Caner Caglar… Knobloch Syndrome: Expanding Brain Phenotypic Spectrum and Review of the Literature. Pediatric Neurology
7. A. Degerliyurt, G. Akgumus, C. Caglar, K. Bilguvar and A.O Caglayan. New Patient with Anderman Syndrome: An underdiagnosed Clinical Genetics Entity?. Clinical Genetics
8. Ahmet Okay Caglayan, Caner Caglar, Duygu Dolen… NGLY1 Mutation Causes Neuromotor Impairment, Intellectual Disability, and Nuropathy. European Journal of Medical Genetics.
9. Schneeberger, M., Caglar, C., Azevedo, E., ... & Friedman, J. M. (2018). Functional analysis reveals differential effects of glutamate and MCH neuropeptide in MCH neurons. Molecular metabolism
10. Caglar, C., & Friedman, J. (2021). Restriction of food intake by PPP1R17-expressing neurons in the DMH. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(13).
11. M. Ece Kars, A. Nazlı Başak, O. Emre Onat, Kaya Bilguvar, Jungmin Choi, Yuval Itan, Caner Çağlar, … & Jeffrey M. Friedman, Tayfun Özçelik (2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1) Neurosciecen
Contact Info:
E-mail: ccaglar@bezmialem.edu.tr
BILSAB Lab Profile
Several mechanisms exist in the brain to detect and respond to disruptions in the balance between satiety and hunger. However, it is possible for these mechanisms to be impaired, which in turn may lead to various disorders and abnormal behaviors, such as binge eating. Binge eating is defined as eating much more than one can consume in a short period of time due to a satiety deficit. To elucidate the underlying neuronal and molecular mechanisms that trigger binge eating, our lab utilizes wide range of cutting-edge technologies. By using recombinase driver mice and recombinase-dependent AAVs that express a variety of genetically encoded tools, the major goals of our research are:
1-) Map neuronal connectivity and establish wiring diagrams
2-) Control the firing rate of neurons in vivo to determine their functions in the regulation of binge eating
3-) Obtain insights into the response of neurons in vivo to binge eating
Thus, the accumulation of knowledge in our lab will provide new principals for appetite regulation to develop novel therapeutic agents to combat binge eating and its related disorders.
- Glioblastomalarda (GBM) gözlemlenen, tümör içi Rapamisinin Memeli Hedefi (mTOR) aktivitesinde görülen heterojenitenin, GBM gelişimine etkisinin in vitro incelenmesi
- Neuroscience
Contact Info:
E-mail: ccaglar@bezmialem.edu.tr