Lab Profile
Dr. Hatiboglu is interested in translational research particularly for glioma and brain metastasis, with the goal of taking research from bench-to-bedside. He studies the radio- and chemo-resistance mechanisms in brain tumors, establishing effective combinational treatments, glioma cancer stem cells, targeted therapies, liquid biopsy, and radiogenomics. He, as a neurosurgeon, is particularly performing surgeries for brain tumors using advanced techniques, such as awake craniotomy, intraoperative neuromonitoring and neuro-navigation. He is also director of the Gamma Knife Unit, and treats some of the brain tumors using Gamma Knife radiosurgery without requiring a surgical intervention. He has established a biobank, which includes more than 250 patients' tumor and blood specimens. Dr. Hatiboglu has international network particularly on oncology and radiation treatment research. He has published more than 65 international peer-reviewed research/review articles, book chapters, editorials, and has given numerous oral and poster presentations at national and international meetings.
- Department of Neurosurgery, Bezmialem Vakif University Medical School, Turkey
- Beykoz Institute of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Bezmialem Vakif University, Turkey
| Clinical Fellow, Neurosurgical Oncology, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
| Post-doc research fellow, Department of Neurosurgery, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
| Neurosurgery resident, Okmeydanı Hospital Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Turkey
| M.D, Ankara University School of Medicine, Turkey
Research Interests:
Glioma, brain metastasis, glioma cancer stem cell, immune regulation, chemo- and radio-resistance mechanisms in brain cancers, tumor microenvironment, radiation dose optimization, combinational treatments, liquid biopsy, radiogenomics, and brain cancer microbiome.
Awards / Honors:
- “Impact of Surgery on the Leptomeningeal Dissemination (LMD) of Supratentorial Brain Metastases (SBM)". Journal of Neuro-Oncology Award for 2008 AANS Meeting.
- “Evolution of Neurosurgical Treatment for Brain Metastases over the Last 15 Years: Experience at a Large Referral Cancer Center". National Brain Tumor Society Mahaley Clinical Research Award for 2010 CNS Meeting in San Francisco.
Publications (selected)
- Deciphering the Role of Autophagy in Treatment of Resistance Mechanisms in Glioblastoma. Khan, I., Baig, M. H., Mahfooz, S., Rahim, M., Karacam, B., Elbasan, E. B., ... & Hatiboglu, M. A. Int J Mol Sci., 2021 HJan 28;22(3):1318. doi: 10.3390/ijms22031318.
- Khan, I., Mahfooz, S., Karacam, B., Elbasan, E. B., Akdur, K., Karimi, H., ... & Hatiboglu, M. A. (2022). Glioma cancer stem cells modulating the local tumor immune environment. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 15.
- Khan, I., Baig, M. H., Mahfooz, S., Imran, M. A., Khan, M. I., Dong, J. J., ... & Hatiboglu, M. A. (2022, June). Nanomedicine for glioblastoma: Progress and future prospects. In Seminars in Cancer Biology. Academic Press.
- Khan, I., . Isik, E.B., Mahfooz, S., Khan, M.A.,* & Hatiboglu, M. A,* 'Identification of Genetic Alterations in Rapid Progressive Glioblastoma by Use of Whole Exome Sequencing', Diagnostics (2023)
- Khan I, Akdur K, Mahfooz S, Elbasan EB, Sakarcan A, Karacam B, Sinclair G, Selek S, Akbas F, Hatiboglu MA. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Modulates micro-RNA Levels in Patients with Brain Metastasis. Curr Radiopharm. 2023 Feb 2. doi: 10.2174/1874471016666230202164557
Outlink (GScholar and AVESIS IDs):
Grants (Ongoing) :
- Glioblastoma'da Lipozomal mRNA Aşı Tedavisi: Mezenkimal Kök Hücreleri Aracılığı İle Anti-Tümör Ripk-3 mRNA Yüklü Lipozomların Taşınması (TUBITAK 2544)
- NOTCH1 genini hedef alan teröpatik mikroRNA'ların Temozolomide dirençli glioblastoma hücre hattında araştırılması (BAP)
- Beyin tümörlerinin metabolik profillerinin incelenmesi (BAP)
- Gliomalı Hastalarda Tümör Mikrobiyomunun Araştırılması (BAP)
- Kinürenin yolağı ve NAD'ın glioblastoma patogenezindeki rolünün in vitro olarak araştırılması (BAP)
Contact Info: