Find out what's new with the Cochrane Library 05.06.2020

kutup-543.jpgIn response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Cochrane Library has curated several, free to access, 'Special Collections' on topics including, but not limited to, critical care, infection control, regional anaesthesia and optimizing health in the home workspace. These Special Collections also include links to relevant Cochrane Clinical Answers - readable, clinically-focused, actionable answers to inform point-of-care decision-making for health professionals.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): infection control and prevention measures
Coronavirus (COVID-19): effective options for quitting smoking during the pandemic
Coronavirus (COVID-19): optimizing health in the home workspace
Coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence relevant to critical care
Coronavirus (COVID-19): regional anaesthesia to reduce drug use in anaesthesia and avoid aerosol generation


New enhancements to improve functionality and experience for users


Related Content Flagging: associated content for Reviews, Editorials and Cochrane Clinical Answers is clearly flagged in the right-hand navigation panel with a prominent drop-down link and a number in brackets denoting the number of related items.
Content Alerts: The Cochrane Library is well known for good versioning of content, with Protocols, First Reviews and subsequent updates documented. The new 'Content Alerts' feature allows users to easily follow a specific Protocol or Review by simply clicking the 'Follow' button in the right hand-rail (when logged in). Whenever the content is updated, users will received an automated email that links directly to the content and they can unfollow at any time.
Topic Alerts: Users are now able to easily set Topic Alerts from the homepage or the 'Browse by Topic' page. By selecting topics or sub-topics to follow, the user will receive a weekly email-alert highlighting any new Cochrane Reviews, Protocols or Clinical Answers published in that Topic. The alerts can be set in either English or Spanish and preference can be changed at any time.

PICO searchBETA: a newly launched powerful and easy-to-use search tool that enhances how Cochrane Library users can find the best evidence to answer their research or clinical questions.

Users are able to:

  • Find reviews that answer their questions FAST
  • Discover the full range of:
    – Interventions assessed for a population
    – Populations associated with an intervention
    – Outcomes evaluated for an intervention
  • Learn about new topic areas by exploring PICO terms
  • Develop search skills by building PICO questions
Language Selection: Users can now easily select preferred Cochrane Review language (to one of 16 available languages) and Website language (to English or Spanish) at any time from the website header. Once language preference has been set, any Reviews available in that language will be displayed on the Search results page with their title translated.
New and useful training resources






Recently published reviews


Hand cleaning with ash for reducing the spread of viral and bacterial infections: a rapid review
Corticosteroids as standalone or add‐on treatment for sore throat
Vitamin C supplementation for prevention and treatment of pneumonia
Interventions for improving medication‐taking ability and adherence in older adults prescribed multiple medications
Pharmacological, psychological and non‐invasive brain stimulation interventions for preventing depression after stroke