Bezmialem Vakif University Was Awarded Erasmus University Charter Given By EU 30.12.2015

Bezmialem Vakif University's efforts in accordance with the Lifelong Learning Programme, gave the result and this year's application to the European Commission has been evaluated positively. Our application has been selected for the award of the Erasmus University Charter (EUCX).

This declaration provides for benefitting from EU funds, forming new projects with the countries which are parts of the program, student mobility for studies and placement, staff mobility within the framework of Erasmus. Therefore our university that provides internationally standardized education to their students has taken another important step towards internationalization.

The aim of the Erasmus program is to enhance the quality of higher education institutions with cultural interactions by promoting and developing the cooperation between the higher education institutions in Europe. In this way, each year thousands of students, administrative and academic staff are given an opportunity to have their educational and training activities abroad; and, joint research projects, intensive programs, curriculum development works and thematic networks across Europe are afforded.

You can review the following pages for more detailed information about the program.

You can follow all types of news and announcements about the program on the website of the International Relations Office; if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.



Bezmialem Vakif University - International Relations Office
Phone0 (212) 523 22 88 / 1070 – 1071