Lwy. Osman DEVELİOĞLU – Chairman |
Yunus NACAR – Ass. Chairman |
Bekir Hulusi CANSU |
Prof. Ahmet GÜL |
Prof. Ahmet Emre BİLGİLİ |
Hayrullah ÇELEBİ |
Lwy. Namık AYHAN |
Dr. Fahrettin ÖZDEMİRCİ |
Ziya Altan ELMAS |
Mehmet Emin ERTEKİN
The highest decision making body of our university, our Board of Trustees represent the legal entity of our higher education institution.
The Board of Trustees consist of at least 7 members, who meet the conditions and possess qualities stipulated in the applicable codes and regulations, elected for 4 years by the Foundations Assembly. The Chancellor is an ordinary member of the Board of Trustees. Other faculty members cannot be on the Board of Trustees except for the chancellor. Faculty members of state universities may serve at boards of trustees of foundation higher education institutions, provided that they obtain the necessary authorization from their respective universities.