It is of utmost importance for staff at Bezmialem Foundation University to have access to information assets in a timely, accurate and uninterrupted manner in order to meet legal regulatory provisions applicable to areas we provide services in; to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of and provide high quality, fast and safe services to individuals and to protect their rights and benefits.
For our university, information as explained above is a valuable asset that needs to be protected. Our institution is liable from meeting legal regulatory provisions applicable to the areas we provide services in and meeting and exceeding the needs and expectations our society. Confidentiality, integrity and timely readiness and availability of information are directly related with our University's service quality and ability to provide uninterrupted services and also to its professional reputation.
As our university's administration is aware of the vital importance of information security, it has decided to establish Information security Management System within the scope of its Information System Services. Our university since its foundation has earned the trust of the public and acts as a contemporary and leading institution. In order not to betray this trust, it closely follows information technologies and accomplishes projects with high security and technology requirements. However, such a development will cause security gaps and new threats as a result. At this stage, it is vital to consciously and systematically protect and manage information assets of our University. Bezmialem Foundation University Information Security Management System has been established in order to achieve this target.
Information security is a corporate responsibility. Roles required for healthy and safe operation of information security processes have been defined; authorities have been determined and officers in charge have been assigned. These responsibilities mainly include all units that use the Information Processing infrastructure, users who have access to information systems as third parties and service, software and hardware providers who offer technical support to information systems.
Bezmialem Foundation University Information Security Management System includes Information Processing services. The implementation of this policy is crucial for proving and maintaining our integrity in business relations we establish with units we provide services to. This policy guarantees that information is protected against unauthorized access; kept confidential; not disclosed to unauthorized individuals deliberately; accessed by all authorized users whenever they need such access; that information security training has been provided to the whole staff and information security gaps and suspected weak points are reported to the officers in charge.
The whole staff of our institution and these individuals defined by the Information Management Committee is obliged to conform to this policy and other procedures and processes of Information Systems applying this policy.
This policy is renewed periodically every six (6) months by the Information Management Committee. Any amendment or changes in regulations or information security application processes require reviewing of the policy. Reviewed and updated policy is approved by the Chancellor of Bezmialem Foundation University. Approved policy is then published on the corporate website.