Secretary General Department consists of the Secretary General, at most two Deputy General Secretaries and other connected units. The General Secretary is the head of the administrative organization of the University and is liable towards the Chancellor with regards to the functioning of this organization. Along with the duties they will perform as the head of the administrative organization of the University, the general secretary is also liable for performing the duties below together with the connected units;
- Ensuring effective, regular and coherent work of units in the administrative organization of the University;
- Performing reporter's duties without participating to votes at University's Executive Board together with the University Senate, putting down decisions passed at boards in writing and ensuring maintenance thereof;
- Notifying units connected to the university University's Senate and Executive Board decisions;
- Providing suggestions to the chancellor about the staff to be assigned at the administrative organization of the University;
- Carrying out press and public relations services;
- Performing all correspondence of the rectorate;
- Organizing protocol, visits and events of the rectorate.