TURKISH HIGHER EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK (TYYÇ) CATALOG AND ITS IMPORTANCE FOR STUDENTSIn higher education, a qualification defines what a person who successfully completes a higher education degree can know, do, and be competent in. The Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ) is a structured system developed to enhance transparency, recognition, and mobility within Turkish higher education institutions in alignment with the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy published by the European Union in 2000 and the Bologna Process, which Turkey joined in 2001.Through the TYYÇ-Program Qualifications Matrix, students can focus on learning outcomes and examine the knowledge, skills, and competences they will acquire upon graduation. Using the Course-Program Qualifications Matrix, they can also analyze how each course contributes to program outcomes. Additionally, students can access summarized information about undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including admission, registration, graduation requirements, assessment methods, progression to higher degrees, and employment opportunities.The TYYÇ Catalog assists students by:Helping them make informed choices about education programs and courses,Allowing them to anticipate the qualifications they will achieve upon completing their courses,Supporting the planning of academic activities outside the curriculum,Reducing potential barriers to student mobility and promoting lifelong learning,Providing information about horizontal and vertical transitions between education levels,Offering access to comprehensive lists of program details, qualifications, and course outcomes at Bezmialem Vakıf University,Assisting and supporting learners while explaining all available educational opportunities.BVU Bologna Information System