Bezmialem Students Are Still hungry For Success! 12/21/2016


Our university's 4th grade Medical Faculty student Gökhan Cabar, has attended the Internatonal Applied Microsurgery School Course held between July 24-31 .

At her office our rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu welcomed and thanked our student who obtained the "Basic Microsurgical Techniques" sufficiency certificate successfully at the course held by Romania Surgical Student Association.  Our rector stated that as Bezmialem Vakıf University they would always support the students.  As for our student Gökhan Cabar; " I am happy to be successful at a course where the quota is limited and there are a few number of medical school students attending from every counry. During the one week course period I carried out applications of micro surgical technique studies on vascular and nerve micro anastomosis and animal subjects. I advise all of our friends to continuously carry out research on the field of expertise that they would prefer.  I thank our rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, assistant rector Prof. Dr. Ethem Güneren, Medical Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Sema Arıcı and our university management for their support."

You can access detailed information regarding the course our student Gökhan Cabar attended here on this link :

Bezmialem Students Are Still hungry For Success!