Vocational School of Health Services Assessment & Evaluation Workshop Took Place 9/11/2017

Bezmialem Vakıf University, the university for the firsts in health, hosted the "Vocational School of Health Services Assessment and Evaluation Workshop" between 9 – 10th september. Our rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, assistant rector Prof. Dr. Ethem Güneren, VSHS manager Doç. Dr. Gökçen Başaranoğlu and executives and educators from other universities joined the event which was held at the Deanship Conference Hall.

The event began with the National Anthem and a stand in silence. At the workshop where the health executives and educators from all of the vocational health schools from Turkey gathered round, sufficiency acheivements regarding the  information, technician practice, professional value and  communication skills of health services associate degree students were discussed. The Objective Structured Clinic Exam (OSCE) trial, which was put to practice by the Vocational School of Health Services at our University for <the first time in our country, was introduced to other universities at the workshop.

Our rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu who carried out the opening speech at the workshop stated , "The need for health personnel who have been raised in the health field in our country still continues. The significance of technicians is very much so in the health field where many different disciplines work together. For this reason, as Bezmialem Vakıf University, we aim to raise personnel who are not "intermediate" but "main" and "sought out" personnel in the Vocational School of Health Services".

Vocational School of Health Services Assessment & Evaluation Workshop Took Place