Great Interest in Bezmialem at the Kocaeli Preference Fair 12/4/2017

​Our university participated in the Kocaeli Preference Fair to help our candidates and to explain the differences of Bezmialem Vakıf University. Anıl Paksoy of the Corporate Communications Department, our 5th grade Faculty of Medicine student Bahar Sever, 4th grade Faculty of Dentistry student Mert Karakaş, 2nd grade Faculty of Pharmacy student Rabia Büşra Şahin represented our university at the fair which was held between november 30th – december 1st.

At the fair, where around 8 thousand participants from nearby cities visited, our representatives informed out candidates.

The university candidates, their families and the guidance counselors showed great interest in the fair for 2 days. As well as providing quality education , Bezmialem Vakıf University has drawn attention as a groundbreaking university in health care. 

Great Interest in Bezmialem at the Kocaeli Preference Fair