Opening Ceremony of Abdülhamid Han Building and Valide Sultan Library​ 3/23/2018

Our university carried out the opening ceremony of the Abdülhamid Han Building and the Valide Sultan Library.

​Foundations General Manager Dr. Adnan Ertem, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ahmet Akça and Board of Trustee Members, Our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, General Secretary Zeynep Gökçen, our executives and Academicians attended the ceremony.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ahmet Akça, who thanked the Foundations General Manager Dr. Adnan Ertem for their support , began his opening speech by stating, "Aiming to raise future scientists, physicians and health professionals, Bezmialem aims to bring education to a new level with new laboratories and classrooms in our building. I would like to thank the Rectorate, administrative and academic staff working towards this goal. I wish the Abdülhamid Han Building to be beneficial to my country, to our nation, to my university, to the national and international academic community, to our students and to all humanity".

During her speech our rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu continued as, "Bezmialem Vakıf University, which continues to provide health and education services with two years of experience, is growing rapidly and its target is increasing every day. We will be able to host national and international scientific conferences in a healthier and more willing manner at our conference hall in the Abdülhamid Han Building. We hereby gratefully remember Eric Frank, whom we have named the conference after. I would like to thank our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ahmet Akça, our Board of Trustees, our Assistant Rectors, our General Secretary and other unit managers, especially the Foundations General Management, who have given great support to the opening of the Abdülhamid Khan Building and the Valide Sultan Library."

The Opening ceremony concluded after the introductory speech of our Library Manager Faculty member Özlem Yalçıkaya on the Valide Sultan Library and the presentation of Dr. Nuran Yıldırım on Abdülhamid Han's emphasis on science and the studies he carried out.

Opening Ceremony of Abdülhamid Han Building and Valide Sultan Library​