Another Prize for Bezmialem! 3/27/2018

Our university returned with an award from the "10th Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress".

Academician Doc. Dr. Kerem Bilsel, Asst. Doc. Dr. Fatih Yıldız and his colleagues were awarded the "Best Oral Presentation" prize by the Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, for their evaluation entitled "Histology and Mechanics in the Rabbit Model: Meeting the Cell-less Human Dermal Graft and Tensor Fascia Lata Autograft in Superior Capsule Reconstruction". Tolga Çetindamar from the 5th grade students of the Faculty of Medicine carried out the presentation of the study who was awarded the best oral presentation award.

Our Rector Dr. Rumeyza Kazancıoğlu presented congratulatory documents to our academicians and students and wished them continuous success on their scientific studies.​

Another Prize for Bezmialem!