Pharmacists Day Celebrations were Held 6/8/2018

​​The celebration program for Pharmacists Day was held at our university.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ahmet Akça, our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, Assistant rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Özturan, General Secretary Zeynep Gökçen, Faculty of Pharmacy Dean Prof. Dr. Gülaçtı Topçu, our academicians and students attended the event which was held at the Erich Frank conference hall.

The program which started with the national anthem and a stand in silence, continued with opening speechs of our rector Prof. Dr. Rumeyza : " As Bezmialem Vakıf University, which places great importance on education, research and humanitarianism, we provide for our pharmacists so they develope themselves,we work to catch new developments, to constantly monitor changes and developments in the world. We provide important services that create differences both with our quality of education at the Faculty of Pharmacy as well as with our qualified staff in the hospital side of Turkey in the field of health. We thank each and every one of you individually for your efforts. I would like to mention that we are always standing by our valuable pharmacists and our beloved students and we all celebrate Pharmacy Day and wish you success in your life."

Faculty of Pharmacy Dean Prof. Dr. Gülaçtı Topçu stated, "The pharmaceutical sector has begun to see more and more of the developments it has experienced in recent years, and I believe that our valuable students, educated by Bezmialem, will move to the higher level of the pharmaceutical profession. We will continue our efforts to graduate our students as equipped pharmacists. You will become pharmacists with competent working skills in all areas of the pharmaceutical industry as a result of the fine education you receive."

The program ended with a music recitation by preparatory class student Büşra Nimet Çukur.

Pharmacists Day Celebrations were Held