Bezmialem Academicians Have Added a New One to their Awards! 4/18/2019

The faculty members of our university have achieved new successes in national and international platforms.

Prof. Dr. İsmet Kırpınar, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Ass. Dr. Rabia Kevser Boyraz, Ass. Dr.  Nafika Selcan Önür, Psychologist Merve Suma and Psychologist Müge Çombaş were awarded with the "Prof. Dr. Günsel Koptagel Ilal" award for their work "Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Psychiatric Syndrome", at the 4th Psychiatry Summit & 11th Anxiety Congress held between 14-17 March 2019 in Antalya.

​The main topics of the congress, where senior researchers can come together with their young colleagues and create new projects with high scientific value, have been defined as innovations in neuroimaging, psychopharmacological and psychosomatic treatment approaches, and updates in neuroscience.

Our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu congratulated our Faculty Members for their successes for receiving their award from the 4th Psychiatry Summit & 11th Anxiety Congress and wished them continuous success.




Bezmialem Academicians Have Added a New One to their Awards!