VII World Rare Diseases Day Symposium Was Held 4/19/2019

​The "VII World Rare Diseases Day Symposium" was organized in order to draw attention to rare diseases and to raise awareness in society.

At the World Rare Disease Day Symposium, which was organized for the 7th time this year, topics such as definition, diagnosis, treatment and how to feed the patients were discussed.

Our rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, Our Director of Continuing Education Center Prof. Dr. Teoman Aydın, our academicians, students and patients and their relatives showed great interest in the symposium.

Our rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, who carried out the opening speech, stated ; "Health is the most important blessing in our lives. From the day we are born, the only way to live a quality life is by being healthy. As you know well, the field of health is a large service area formed by the combination of many disciplines. We, as well as physicians and as followers of Bezmialem Valide Sultan, continue to make an effort to help people who are sick and to restore their health. We can describe the Rare Diseases, which closely concern physicians and which bring them together today, as "a few diseases seen in a small number of people compared to the population and which negatively affect the quality of the persons life.""

Our rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, who stated that there are more than 7 thousand rare diseases in the world , continued her speech as follows :

"Rare diseases affect nearly 300 million in the world and close to 7 million in Turkey. These figures show that rare diseases are a problem that can never be underestimated and ignored. Rare diseases are not on the agenda of the general population but rather small masses and due to this reason the low number of patients and limited clinical studies increase the difficulties experienced. On the occasion of this event I would like to draw attention to the fact that we, as health managers, academicians, physicians, health personnel and our society need to focus more on these rare diseases.

I would like to thank all of you for your participation and wish you a successful symposium."

In the event that was held at the Erich Frank conference hall, after the views and thoughts of the patients and their relatives, the Nadir Sesler (Rare Voices) Choir composed of children with Williams syndrome took the stage. The VII. World Rare Diseases Day Symposium ended after the interest and appreciation of the participants towards the concert.

VII World Rare Diseases Day Symposium Was Held