Intensive Care Services in the COVID Crisis Webinar Conducted by Our University 5/19/2020

The "Intensive Care Services in the COVID Crisis" webinar conducted by our University to evaluate the COVID-19 outbreak in terms of intensive care services, was moderated by our Assistant Rector Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Tuncay.

Our Assistant Rector Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Tuncay carried out the opening of the webinar he moderated with the following words:

"As Bezmialem Vakıf University, we are here together at one of our webinars in this extraordinary period.

Our topic today is "Intensive Care Services in the Covid Crisis."

As Bezmialem, we have started to follow and prepare very seriously since the crisis began. Even when we thought that COVID-19 would not effect our country, we continued to take our precautions and make preparations. When the first cases were reported in Turkey as of March 10, we had also begun to admit our first patient. First, we created a triage area at the garden entrance of our hospital. The urology and nephrology outpatient clinic area was organized as a COVID-19 outpatient clinic.

Again, emergency units, services and intensive care were reorganized for patients with COVID-19. At the point we have reached today, our patient numbers have decreased significantly. Since the beginning, we have received nearly 3000 patient applications, admitted 887 of these patients, treated 602 outpatients, and started treating 108 patients in intensive care. We took part in a very important task, a very important struggle.

Here, we are especially grateful to each of our healthcare professionals who are at the forefront of this struggle.

It is not possible to make it up to them" he said and yielded the floor to Prof. Dr. Kazım Karaaslan.

"The success in the fight against COVID-19 is a social success, not an individual or institutional one," stated Prof. Dr. Kazim Karaaslan, head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. If our citizens had not complied with the measures taken during this process and had not supported this struggle, we would not have been able to achieve this successful result only with the presence of healthcare providers. On the other hand, as a country, we took a very predictive stance and prepared accordingly. I think we have seen a serious response to health investments in the past 20 years. On the other hand, Bezmialem Vakıf University Hospital, which I am proud to be a part of, was established in the time of many epidemics such as plague, cholera, typhoid and has taken its place in the front lines once again during an epidemic. In this process, we have never been worried about earning or income as an institution. I am proud of the institution I work with, my team and the people of my country, and I thank everybody"

Intensive Care Services in the COVID Crisis Webinar Conducted by Our University