Webinar : “COVID-19 Patient Management in the Operating Room” 9/24/2020

Health workers, undoubtedly, show the greatest self-sacrifice in the pandemic process which the whole world and our country is going through... Nurses, one of the most precious of our health system, have been working hard to help their patients from the very beginning of the pandemic process and  are  continuing to work with all their might to help the patients regain health.

Under the coordination of Bezmialem Vakıf University Nursing Department, a webinar titled "COVID-19 Patient Management in the Operating Room" was organized with the cooperation of Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa and Artvin Çoruh University.

The webinar, in which the students participated extensively, was moderated by Assoc. Dr. Yazile Sayın, an academic at the Nursing Department of Bezmialem Faculty of Health Sciences, and Prof. Dr. S. Deniz Öztekin, an academic at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Florence Nigthingale Nursing Faculty Surgical Diseases Nursing Department.


In the first session of the panel, which took place in three sessions, Prof. Dr. S. Deniz Öztekin carried out a presentation under the titles "Preparation in the Operation Process", and  "Preparation and Precautions Before Transportation to the Operating Room", and faculty member Dr. Hatice Cengiz Öner: "Patient Admission and Transportation to the Operating Room". In the second session of the panel, Assoc. Dr. Yazile Sayın shared their opinions on "Safety in the Surgery Process", Assoc. Dr. Meral Ucuzal Özkan: "Surgical Team Preparation", faculty member Dr. Zeynep Temiz: "Early Post-operative Period : Nursing Care".

In the last session, Faculty Member Dr. Serpil Yüksel carried out a presentation titled "COVID-19 Management Algorithm Examples in Operating Rooms". Then, Nurse Cemile Durmuş: “Bezmialem Vakıf University Hospital Versions", Nurse Derya Şimşekli: “Artvin State Hospital Versions" and Nurse Dilek Dal shared “İ.U Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Hospital Versions" with the participants and shared their experiences and how the COVID-19 process was managed.

Webinar; After discussions and suggestions, it ended with Assoc. Dr. Yazile Sayın's closing speech.​

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Webinar : “COVID-19 Patient Management in the Operating Room”