Our Dear Students,
Our medical faculty plans their activities and applies them according to our mission and raises doctors who are people oriented, international minded and aware of our local values, who own communicative, leadership and managerial competence, who are continuously learning and teaching, comprehensive of scientific thoughts and produce science.
Our medical faculty curriculum has been rearranged with additions to core education programmes. Scientists – scientific research comittee and the core competency comittee reveal the curriculum difference of our faculty. Medical education automation usage and the aims of the classes in the curriculum, education goals, class contents, exam questions and answers will always be open to the access of our students and academicians. Our medical faculty educational formation training programmes and all of our lecturers and instructors certification studies will commence continuously.
Our medical faculty continues to reserve its position as first place in preferences among Foundation Universities. It presents this fact in both the OSYM scores and in the lateral transfer applications.
As Turkey's oldest education and research hospital, it constitutes valuable opportunities for our students with its opportunities, number and diversity of patients.
During the education, the more upper level the the student, curriculum, educational and education foundations the better the education will be. The studies carried out with this awareness has already begun to bear its fruits. It continues to be our university members goal to constantly develope with the principle, "quality has no limits".
Prof. Dr. Dilek Sema ARICI