Graduation Excitement for the 2023-2024 Academic Year at Bezmialem 7/3/2024

​The excitement of the 2023-2024 Academic Year was experienced at our university. Our graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Health Sciences and Health Services Vocational School were sent off to life with a colorful and magnificent ceremony.

Bezmialem Vakıf University bid farewell to its 2023-2024 Academic Year graduates with an enthusiastic ceremony. In the ceremonies held between 1st and 2nd of July, senior students of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences and Vocational School of Health Services celebrated their graduation. The ceremony was attended by our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Osman Develioğlu, our Board of Trustees Members, our Rector Prof. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, our Vice Rectors Prof. Mehmet Bilgin and Prof. Güven Çetin, Fatih Mayor Mehmet Ergün Turan, our General Secretary Dr. Zeynep Görmezoğlu, our faculty and college deans and directors, our administrators, academicians, families and students. The ceremonies began with a moment of silence, the National Anthem and the viewing of our university's promotional film, with our term winners giving out speeches.

Our Faculty of Medicine stands out with its international collaborations

Speaking at the 2023-2024 Medical School Graduation Ceremony, our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Develioğlu thanked the families for entrusting their children to Bezialem. Our Chairman Develioğlu, who also thanked the academics who educated the students, stated the following: “We are among the 100 universities of the world. This is not an easy task, it is the skill of our administrators and professors." Drawing attention to the persecution in Palestine at the ceremony, our Rector Prof. Kazancıoğlu gave the following messages to the graduates who will step into the profession: "Healthcare personnel and scientists should not remain indifferent to persecution in times when thoughts and feelings become diseased and humanity dies, and they should carry mercy and love like a seal in their hearts." Noting that the greatest wish of Bezmialem Valide Sultan, who devoted her life to charity and science, was for this journey of charity to continue and grow stronger, Prof. Kazancıoğlu stated, “We have partnered with the best organizations in the world. Our university has international collaborations with 112 universities in 49 countries around the world". Fatih Mayor Mehmet Ergün Turan stated that he got emotional while watching the graduation and the young people and added, "The students of Bezmialem Vakıf University are very distinguished and respected. I congratulate their families and teachers." Our Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Ramazan Özdemir, started his speech by wishing mercy upon our founder Bezmialem Valide Sultan. Noting that they are trying to protect this legacy, Prof. Özdemir said, "We are one of the first foundation universities to receive accreditation, we are a Faculty of Medicine that has received the Turkish Qualifications Framework. Our collaboration with Johns Hopkins University has also been ongoing for 10 years. We stand out with our laboratories equipped with the latest technology, our strong academic staff and being ahead in the rankings."


Dentistry is an important part of the health field

Speaking at the 2023-2024 Dentistry Faculty Graduation Ceremony, our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Develioğlu first congratulated the families who always give strength to their children. Thanking Bezmialem's academics for raising well-equipped students, our Chairman Develioğlu gave the following message to the students: "You will always experience the difference of graduating from Bezmialem." Our Rector Prof. Kazancıoğlu started her speech by congratulating the students who completed the challenging education at the Faculty of Dentistry. Prof. Kazancıoğlu, who included the expressions "Health is the most valuable and precious treasure of a person throughout their life" in her speech, stated that oral and dental health has an important place in this treasure and advised "Therefore, act with professional awareness under all circumstances." Our Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Doğan Dolanmaz emphasized in his speech that the Faculty of Dentistry has adopted the vision of providing education at world standards and said, "In a short time, it has managed to become an institution that trains successful dentists with a scientific understanding in their profession." Istanbul Chamber of Dentists Board Member Assoc. Prof. Ayça Yılmaz emphasized that the graduates are stepping into a sacred profession and added, “As the Istanbul Chamber of Dentists, we are always by your side."


Vocational School of Health Services produced 320 graduates this year

Speaking at the 2023-2024 Health Services Vocational School Graduation Ceremony, our Rector Prof. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu stated that the charity and science door opened by Bezmialem Valide Sultan continues today. Stating that “We are the soldiers of this blessed tradition and the ambassadors carrying it to the future," Kazancıoğlu added: “As Bezmialem Vakıf University, we train the healthcare personnel needed in the field of healthcare in the most equipped way in 14 departments of our Health Services Vocational School." Health Services Vocational School Director Ali Akçahan Gepdiremen stated that they are rightfully proud to have 320 graduates to the healthcare army this year.

You are an important representative of the pharmacy profession.

Delivering the opening speech at the 2023-2024 Pharmacy Faculty Graduation Ceremony, our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Osman Develioğlu stated, “A new era is starting in your lives" and gave the following message to the graduates: “Let's do the best and most beautiful thing we do. Let's be people who provide good services to the society so that we can receive good service from the society as well." Emphasizing that the pharmacy profession is both a scientific and people-oriented profession, Kazancıoğlu said, “In every difficulty that societies experience, pharmacists have been at the forefront as health soldiers and provided health consultancy services. You are now setting out as important representatives of this profession. I congratulate each and every one of you and wish you success." Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Gülaçtı Topçu said the following in her speech: “We are honored to graduate 45 of our students."

Bezmialem is a pioneer in Health Sciences

At the 2023-2024 Health Sciences Faculty Graduation Ceremony, our Board of Trustees Chairman Osman Develioğlu gave the following advice to the graduates: “You are a member of Bezmialem, we are a university that has received national and international degrees. We will take care of this university together after graduation. Thus, our university will reach better places. You will experience the honor and pride of graduating from Bezmialem". Kazancıoğlu stated, “Health professionals make significant contributions to the health and happiness of society. May your path be clear, always adopt service to society as a principle." Our Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Erdal Tekarslan, said, “We are among 10 universities in Istanbul" and made the following statements: “The Nursing and Physiotherapy departments have been accredited, we are in the Turkish Qualifications Framework. These indicators are Bezmialem's greatest gift to you. Occupational Therapy trains academic staff for Turkey. Health Management students also received training from strong professors. Our Audiology Department is a department where theory and practice are intertwined. At every stop of your life journey, you are a Bezmialem graduate with a good heart, who does their job sincerely and is compassionate."


Graduation and the national match excitement were experienced together

After the diplomas were handed to the 2023-2023 term graduates, the ceremony ended with an enthusiastic cap throwing ceremony.

After the ceremony, graduation excitement and national match excitement were experienced together. University graduates watched the Austria - Turkey match with their professors, families, university administration and employees after the graduation ceremony. The students had an unforgettable evening with a double celebration with graduation.

Graduation Excitement for the 2023-2024 Academic Year at Bezmialem