A First in Turkey ; An International Workshop was Organized On NMR Applications 11/15/2017

A Workshop entitled "Medicine, Pharmaceutics, Phytotherapy and NMR Applications in Medical Fields" was carried out at our University on an international level on NMR Applications, which is a method for determining cancer cells.

The Honorary President of the Workshop , our Rector Prof. Dr. Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, Faculty of Pharmacy Dean Prof. Dr. Gülaçtı Topçu, Vice President and Former Pakistan Science and Technology Minister and NASIC Term President Prof. Dr. Atta-ur Rahman and many Academicians and Students attended the Workshop.

The event, which was.supported by IDB (Islamic Development Bank) and was carried out with the collaboration of NASIC (Network of Academies of Sciences in Countries of Organization of Islamic Conference) which takes part in the organization of conferences in Islamic countries, brought together more than 200 specialists and scientists from Europe and many Islamic countries who use NMR on Magnetic Resonance (MR) or use MR on diagnosis.

The event brought together scientists relative to the subject of MR at Bezmialem Vakıf University and enabled the exchange of information and formation of mutual studies and projects on advanced NMR /MR techniques used in imaging the cancerous tissues and specifying the structure of the DNA.

A First in Turkey ; An International Workshop was Organized On NMR Applications