Dear Students,
The purpose of our faculty, is to raise students that, as new members of the pharmaceutical career, are bound with theoretical and practical knowledge at an international level, that have assimilated a scientific point of view, are productive and responsible, that have a competency to cover humanities, our countries, the health sectors and the drug industries chemist requirements with professional ethic values.
We have established Turkeys first YÖK approved Phytotherapy center in 2015, and by setting up a medicinal research and development center we have continued our medicinal research and development studies on an international platform with a multidisciplinary conception and aimed for you to take part in these studies more actively.
For the last 2 years, we have taken the Faculty of Pharmacy's core education programme (CEP) as a basis and formed the broadened education programme (BEP) in line with the requirements of our country with the knowledge and strength of our dynamic professor staff. We have always been a much preferred faculty among the foundation universities Pharmaceutical Faculties with our equipped laboratories and contemporary professors, and in fact the student who had achieved the highest base point among students who have been placed in the faculty of pharmacy universities in Turkey in 2016 has preferred our university!
Last of all, besides aiming to raise all of you as qualified pharmacy pharmaceuticals, hospital pharmaceuticals and clinic pharmaceuticals we also aim to raise you with an interactive education model where you can take on the task of industrial pharmaceuticals in order for you to contribute to the biological, biotechnical and nanotechnical medicinal research and development studies which have gained great importance today.
Prof. Dr. Gülaçtı Topçu
Faculty of Pharmacy Dean