

1st YEAR
Course CodeCourse NameTLPCECTS
ATA 1101Atatürk Principles and Revolution History IF2-22
DHF 1110BiophysicF2-22
INGDHF 1101Professional English IF4-44
TDL 1101Turkish Language IF2-22
Elective LessonF2-21
ATA 1201Atatürk’s Principles and Revolution History IIS2-22
DHF 1215BiostatisticsS2-22
DHF 1228Histology and Embryology IS2234
INGDHF 1201Professional English IIS4-44
TDL 1201Turkish Language IIS2-22
Elective LessonS2-21
DHF 1014Medical Biology - GeneticY2-24
DHF 1027Organic ChemistryY2-24
DHF 1050Prosthodontics IY2-24
DHF 1051Prosthodontics LAB IY-8412
DHF 1052Dental MaterialsY1-12
DHF 1060Observing Clinical Treatments IY-214
DHF 1061First AID and Urgent Treatment IY111,54
2nd YEAR
Ders KoduDers AdıTLPCECTS
INGDHF 2101Professional English IIIF4-43
Elective LessonF2-21
INGDHF 2201Professional English IVS4-43
Elective LessonS2-21
DHF 2010AnatomyY3248
DHF 2011PhysiologyY3248
DHF 2012BiochemistryY2-23
DHF 2013MicrobiologyY2-23
DHF 2050Prosthodontics IIY2-23
DHF 2051Prosthodontics LAB IIY-8412
DHF 2060Observing Clinical Treatments IIY-213
DHF 2228Histology and Embryology IIY111,53
DHF 2070Restorative Dentistry IY2-23
DHF 2071Restorative Dentistry LAB IY-426
3th YEAR
Course CodeCourse NameTLPCECTS
DHF 3150PathologyF2-22
DHF 3160PharmacologyF2-22
INGDHF 3101Professional English VF4-43
INGDHF 3201Professional English VIS4-43
DHF 3010Dental AnesthesiaY1-12
DHF 3020Pedodontics IY2-23
DHF 3030Orthodontics IY2-23
DHF 3040Periodontology IY2-23
DHF 3050Prosthodontics IIIY2-23
DHF 3051Prosthodontics LAB IIIY-8414
DHF 3060Endodontics IY2-23
DHF 3061Endodontics LAB IY-213
DHF 3070Restorative Dentistry IIY2-23
DHF 3071Restorative Dentistry LAB IIY-427
DHF 3080Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases and Surgery IY2-23
DHF 3090Oral Diagnosis- Radiology IY2-23
4th YEAR
Course CodeCourse NameTLPCECTS
DHF 4170Oral PathologyF1-12
DHF 4210DermatologyS1-11
DHF 4220Hematology / Internal MedicineS1-11
DHF 4230General SurgeryS1-11
DHF 4020Pedodontics IIY1-12
DHF 4030Orthodontics IIY2-23
DHF 4040Periodontology IIY2-23
DHF 4050ProsthodonticsY2-23
DHF 4060Endodontics IIY2-23
DHF 4070Clnical Education IY-201033
DHF 4071Operative DentistryY1-12
DHF 4080Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases and Surgery IIY2-23
DHF 4090Oral Diagnosis and Radiology IIY2-23
5th YEAR
Course CodeCourse NameTLPCECTS
DHF 5110Community Oral Health CareF1434
DHF 5120Ear, Nose and ThroatF2-22
DHF 5140First AID and Urgent Treatment IIIF111,52
DHF 5180Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases and Surgery IIIF2-22
DHF 5230Deontology in DentistryS1-11
DHF 5240Dental Office Management and ErgonomicsS1-11
DHF 5250Maxillofacial Surgery and ProsthesisS2-22
DHF 5260ImplantologyS2-22
DHF 5270Forensic MedıcineS1-11
DHF 5280Psychiatry / NeurologyS1-11
DHF 5290Eye DiseasesS1-11
DHF 5040Final ThesisY2-23
DHF 5050Clnical Education IIY-241238
GENERALY TOTAL12595172,5300
Descriptions: L: Lecture hours P: Practice hours C: Credit given to the course ECTS: European credit transfer systems . T: timetable yearly (Y), 1st term (F), 2nd term(S)
Course CodeCourse NameLPCECTS
TF 1301American Culture Through Literature and Media2-21
TF 1302Exceptional Circumstances and Disaster Medicine2-21
TF 1303Medical Arts and Culture2-21
TF 1304Communication Skills2-21
TF 1305Medicine and Philosophy2-21
TF 1306Computer2-21