List of Courses in English

 List of Courses in English

DHF 1050-1051 PROSTHODONTICSCompulsory(2/0/2/4)(0/8/4/12)ECTS:4/12
Dental terminology, anatomy of permanent teeth, preclinical crown preparation and knowledge about it, embriyogenic development of teeth, dental tissues and primary dentition. In practice: Carving and modeling of permanent teeth, made of jacket crown, veneer crown and porcelain crown.
DHF 1052 DENTAL MATERIALSCompulsory(1/0/1/2) ECTS: 2
General properties of dental materials, plaster, wax, metals, leveling and polishing, rövetman, casting, soldering operations, ceramics, composites, luting cements, materials used in orthodontics.
The first acceptance of the patient, evaluation period of the patient, observing the clinical procedures, observing the preparation, temporary crown fabrication, impression taking, try-in and cementation steps of single unit fixed partial denture.
Emergency diagnosis in the situations cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, suffocation, burns, fainting, allergic anaphylaxis, poisoning etc., treatment, basic and advanced life support, and lifesaving methods.
DHF 2050-2051 PROSTHODONTICSCompulsory(2/0/2/3)(0/8/4/12)ECTS:3/12
Principles of preparation and fixed dental restorations, preclinic differences in measurement methods and clinical applications in preclinical, articulator and transport models, modeling wax, polishing, rövetmana, wax removal, oven setting, compliance, leveling, polishing, casting errors and their causes, the construction techniques of porcelain crown. In practice: The model preparation with Die, and solder splint crowns, dental bridges and frames are applied to different regions of the arc, metal-backed infrastructure for multi-unit fixed prosthesis, partial crowns.
In the clinics of oral diagnosis and radiology, endodontics, pedodontics; observing clinical cases, evaluation the patients, in operative dentistry clinics; cavity preparation and completing the restoration, in prosthodontics clinics; observing the preparation stages of three unit fixed partial dentures; impression taking, try-in and cementation.
DHF 2070-2071 RESTORATIVE DENTISTRYCompulsory(0/4/2/6) (2/0/2/3)ECTS:6/3
Tooth Decay (Description, History, Theory, Terminology, and etiology), Classification of caries, caries histopathology, the terminology used in the treatment, Black principals and Black classification, instruments used in dentistry, amalgam, metal casting and direct esthetic restorations (Gold Inlay). In practice: Presentation tools, phantom teeth and human teeth in Class I, II, V and VI cavity preparations and restorations amalgam of conservative and complex amalgam restorations, inlay restoration application
DHF 3110 DENTAL ANESTHESIACompulsory(1/0/1/2) ECTS: 2
Pain components, innervation of the jaws, mechanism of action of local anesthesia, indications and contraindications of local anesthesia, local anesthetic agents, lower and upper jaw anesthesia techniques, local and systemic reactions and their treatment due to local anesthesia, emergency drug kit, sedation and sedative agents.
DHF 3120 PEDODONTICSCompulsory(2/0/2/3) ECTS: 3
Orientation behavior of child patients, patient examination, caries and protective practices, restorations in decidious and young permanent teeth.
DHF 3130 ORTHODONTICSCompulsory(2/0/2/3) ECTS: 3
Growth and development, diagnosis, development of deciduous dentition, classification of malocclusions, etiologies, biomechanics principals in orthodontics, force and answer of tooth structure, anchorage.
DHF 3140 PERIODONTOLOGYCompulsory(2/0/2/3) ECTS: 3
Anatomic and morphologic characteristics of periodontium, classification and epidemiology of periodontal diseases, etiology of gum diseases, periodontal pathology.
DHF 3050-3051 PROSTHODONTICSCompulsory(2/0/2/3)(0/8/4/14)ECTS: 3/14
Laboratory and clinic stages of total, partial and fixed denture construction. In practice: Full dentures, twisting hooks, acrylic base partial denture, aesthetic bridges, castpost-core and fracture repair.
DHF 3060-3061 ENDODONTICSCompulsory(0/2/1/3) (2/0/2/3)ECTS: 3/3
Pulp tissue and diseases, periapical tissue diseases, treatment of pulp and periapical tissue diseases, pain and treatment of pain in endodontics, endodontic emergent treatments. Inpractice: Model preparation, rubber-dam application, anterior and posterior teeth Access cavities, extirpation, channel expansion, irrigation, canal fillings, X-ray receiving, final restoration.
DHF 3070-3071 RESTORATIVE DENTISTRYCompulsory(0/4/2/7) (2/0/2/3)ECTS: 7/3
Infection control, isolation, teeth free from caries lesions, the diagnosis of caries, caries prevention in adults. In practice: Anterior and posterior compositeresin, glassionomer, amalgam restorations, pinned restorations and root canal treatment on phantom and extracted teeth.
DHF 3090 ORAL DIAGNOSIS- RADIOLOGYCompulsory(2/0/2/3) ECTS: 3
Patient’s identification information, taking medical and dental history, clinical examination methods, extra-oral and intra oral examination methods, systemic diseases associated with dentistry, methods that help make the diagnosis, assessment of pain complaint, diagnosis and treatment planning.
DHF 4120 PEDODONTICSCompulsory(1/0/1/2) ECTS: 2
Medication in pedodontics, surgicalapproaches in pedodontics, endodontic treatments of temporary and early permanent teeth, traumatic injuries in pedodontics, space maintainers and prosthetics, information forms for the patient and parents, case connected treatment planning.
DHF 4130 ORTHODONTICSCompulsory(2/0/2/3) ECTS: 3
Preventive orthodontics, removable, fixed, functional appliances, normal occlusion and criteria, extra oral appliances, treatment of Class I, II, III malocclusions, TMJ and orthodontics, orthognathic treatment, cleft lip and palate, RPE and retention treatments, impacted teeth and transposition, missing laterals, adult orthodontics.
DHF 4140 PERIODONTOLOGYCompulsory(2/0/2/3) ECTS: 3
Periodontal diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan, periodontal instruments, periodontal treatment procedures, multi discipliner approach in periodontal treatment (Learning Outputs) Understands the periodontal diagnostic methods, learns the properties of the instruments used in periodontal treatment, has information about the periodontal treatment procedures and prognosis, learns the principles of multidiscipliner treatment planning.
DHF 4050 PROSTHODONTICSCompulsory(2/0/2/3) ECTS: 3
Partial dentures, total dentures, problems in partial dentures, precision attachments and principles of the implementation of the fixed prostheses in the mouth, approach to geriatric patients, aesthetic approaches (laminate and full ceramic crowns).
DHF 4060 ENDODONTICSCompulsory(2/0/2/3) ECTS: 3
Treatment planning in endodontics, causes of success and failure in endodontics, non-vital bleaching methods, periodontology-endodontics relationship, endodontic surgery, geriatric endodontics.
DHF 4071 OPERATIVE DENTISTRYCompulsory(1/0/1/2) ECTS: 2
Adhesives, indirect aesthetic restorations, restoration of endodontically treated teeth, discoloration of teeth and treatment, dentin hypersensitivity and treatment.
PROSTHODONTICS CLINIC; Certain numbers of total prosthesis, metal supported partial prosthesis, partial prosthesis with acylic base, crown restoration, relining and tooth supplement as defined at the beginning of each education year. RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY CLINIC; Certain numbers of amalgam, compositeresin and preventiveresin restoration as defined at the beginning of each education year. ENDODONTICS CLINIC; Examination, pulp capping, root canal treatment, taking radiographs, case presentation. SURGERY CLINICS; Table demonstration, anamnesis, local anesthetic application, tooth extraction, recipeans post-operativere commendations, observation of minor surgical applications. PERIODONTOLOGY CLINIC; Examination, planning, detartrage+polishing, assisting the operations. ORTHODONTICS CLINIC; Hays-Nance and Bolton analysis, lateral sephalometric analysis, Adams clasp, ball clasp, vestibule arch, labiolingual spring, mesiodistal spring, Hawley retainer, canine retractor. PEDODONTICS CLINIC; Examination, behavior manipulation, fissursealent, preventiveresin restoration, topical florur, minor fillings, patient and parent education, oral hygiene motivation. ORAL DIAGNOSIS AND RADIOLOGY CLINIC; History, intraoral and extra oral examination, treatment planning, periapical, bisector, bitewing, occlusal, extra oral x-ray techniques, developing films, interpretation of x-ray images.
Evaluation of a patient with maxillofacial trauma, diagnosis and treatment principles of maxillofacial fractures, orthognatic surgery principles, cancer surgery, prosthetic treatments of resected maxilla and mandible, extra oral prosthetic restorations (facial and eye prosthesis, palatopharingeal prosthesis, speech-aid prosthesis), splints.
DHF 5360 IMPLANTOLOGYCompulsory(2/0/2/2) ECTS: 2
Prosthetic, surgical and periodontal approaches in the treatment of tooth deficiency by use of dental implants, prosthetic, surgical and periodontal diagnosis and treatment planning, radiographic evaluation, prosthetic treatment principles.
DHF 5500 CLINICAL EDUCATIONCompulsory(0/24/12/38) ECTS: 38
PROSTHODONTICS CLINIC; Determined number of ceramic crowns, prefabric post restorations, fixed and partial dentures, total dentures OPERATIVE DENTISTRY CLINIC; Amalgam and composite filling, restoration of endodontical treated teeth, preventive restorations, rubberdum usage ENDODONTICS CLINIC; Examination, pulp capping, root canal treatment, taking radyographs, rubberdum usage, case presentation ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY CLINICS; Tooth extraction, tissue impacted tooth surgery, complicated tooth extraction, minor surgeries, surgery observations PERIODONTOLOGY CLINICS; Periodontal examination, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal diseases, scalling and tooth polishing, root planning, periodontal surgery observations. ORTHODONTICS CLINICS; Examination of orthodontic patients, anamnesis, case modelling, removable appliances, case presentation, seminar presentation PEDODONTICS CLINICS; Examination, fissursealants, preventiveresine restorations, topical flore, amalgam, composite and compomer restorations, saint and patient motivation, root – canal treatment, deciduous and permanent teeth canal threaphy, fixed and removable retainers, stainless steel crowns. ORAL DIAGNOSIS AND RADIOLOGY CLINICS; Examination, fissursealants, preventive resine restorations, topical flore, amalgam, composite and compomer restorations, saint and patient motivation, root – canal treatment, deciduous and permanent teeth canal threaphy, fixed and removable retainers, stainless steel crowns. INTEGRATED; Diagnosis and treatment of patients as in private practice