
 Vision - Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to become an institution that trains productive dentists, experts and academics who             internalize their own values, are open to universal values, well-educated, have a scientific understanding, committed to their mission and human values, successful in their profession, qualified, have high self-confidence, at peace with themselves and their environment, adhere to ethical and academic values and have a high sense of responsibility. In addition, to provide high-quality oral and dental healthcare services to patients with nationally and internationally successful clinics that are equipped with modern equipment and which contribute to the scientific world by closely following the developments and innovations in the scientific field through studies and researches.


Our vision

To become a primarily preferred faculty that has been accepted on national and international levels in education, training and patient treatment, scientific studies and research and one which harbors internationally qualified students and lecturers.

To become a dynamic and an exemplary institution among the leading Faculties of Dentistry in Turkey and the world with its effectiveness in scientific studies, which leads in the field of medicine and treatment, respects ethical values,  is sensitive to patient rights, pays attention to service quality and prioritizes patient satisfaction.

​Basic values

Bezmialem Vakif University The Faculty of Dentistry relies on the following principles and values to achieve its strategic goals and objectives on national and international levels :​​

- Affiliated with the foundation culture

- Scientifically liberal

- Institutionally autonomous

- Transparent and accountable

- Respectful of participants and differences​

- Continuous business partnership with stakeholders

- Competitive

- Quality oriented

- Student oriented

 - Can keep up with the requirements of the present era