Plagiarism Reprt

1) The plagiarism report of the thesis study is taken through the TURNITIN Plagiarism Detection Program offered by the Library Documentation Center of the University.

2) The plagiarism program is only available to academic and administrative staff. The report on the thesis work is prepared by the Institute and sent to the advisor and the jury members of the thesis defense exam. Before the thesis is submitted to the Institute, it is recommended that the advisor check its suitability by using the TURNITIN plagiarism detection program.

3) In order to receive the plagiarism report of the thesis study, the cover, abstract, introduction, general information, materials and methods, findings, discussion and conclusion sections of the thesis must be uploaded to the program as a single file. 

4) The upper limit of the similarity rate is determined as 30%.

5) The filtering options can be as follows:

  •  Except for the approval, preface and declaration pages
  •  Excluding contents, icons, and abbreviations

  •  Except for references
  •  Except for parts of text that contain less than five words of overlap

6) When the reporting process is completed, the report is recorded electronically with the student's name and surname. The plagiarism report is presented to the jury members together with the thesis before the thesis defense exam.

7) In case the similarity rate exceeds the specified upper limit, the responsibility belongs to the student and his/her advisor.

8) If the thesis receives a post-defense extension and/or contains comprehensive changes, the plagiarism report must be reproduced.