Points to consider during orthodontics?
It is important for the orthodontic success that the dental tethers (brackets) on the teeth are properly placed on the surface of the teeth during treatment. For this reason, you need to consume some food and beverages throughout the treatment, or you should eat them carefully in small pieces. These are ;
Hard-textured foods such as nuts, sugarcane, shelled hazelnuts.
Apple, plum, loquat and quince or fruit or seeded olives.
Gum, Turkish Delight, confectionery, jelly beans and other sticky foods that are difficult to clean off the braces.
Soda, cola and other acidic drinks.
Snacks like chips.
Do braces affect my speaking?
The dental implants do not cause any difficulty in accepting their presence in the mouth 1 week after they are attached. For this reason, you can talk easily when you have braces. For the wires placed on the back surface of the teeth, there may be various difficulties in making sounds because it will be in contact with the tongue.
What can I face with orthodontic treatment?
The first week for our patients is the period of getting used to their teeth. This adaptation period varies according to the individual person. Some of our patients have no problems, some of our patients have complaints due to irritation on their lips and cheeks, mild pain in teeth and tenderness during chewing. However, such complaints last within a maximum of 7-10 days and can sometimes occur again in the course of treatment, if at all, between sessions.
Will there be pain or tenderness during treatment?
It is a rare occurrence when you are wearing dental wires or experiencing pain in adjustments to your controls. When dental implants are worn, the first few days may be irritating on the cheeks and lips, and painful on the teeth. Regardless of the degree of such discomfort, you will get used to your teeth after a week.
Can my teeth be damaged during orthodontic treatment?
If care is taken to clean and maintain the teeth during and after orthodontic treatment, there is no possibility of any stain formation due to tooth threads. The color changes that can be detected as white spots are the starting areas of bruising.
Will my teeth be spoiled after the teeth have been treated?
Once your orthodontic treatment is over, that is, after your teeth have been smoothed out, your teeth are removed by the orthodontist. After this point, you will need to use reinforcement devices for a period of time to maintain the integrity of the teeth. If you do not wear these devices during the time recommended by the orthodontist or if you do not check them for a long time, there may be a deterioration of your teeth.
What if orthodontic disorders are not treated?
If treatment does not interfere with the orthodontic problems that are required, teeth irregularities and skeletal disorders, chewing problems, jaw restraints and joint pain, dental caries, gingival diseases can reach advanced dimensions. Serious problems such as tooth loss and jaw restraints can be encountered.
How are braces treated?
After the braces are attached, the teeth must be periodically brushed with the special toothbrush. The interface brushes and tooth threads are used for oral care. It is necessary to prevent mouthwaters and gargles and food from sticking between teeth.
What is orthognatic surgery and how is it applied?
Surgical operations may be required to replace the jaws in order to resolve extreme skeletal problems associated with jaws that can not be solved by orthodontic treatment. This is called orthognathic surgery. In some cases, mild cases may require orthognathic surgery in some cases.
At what intervals do orthodontic treatment require doctor control?
During orthodontic treatment routine monthly controls varying usually between 4-8 weeks are foreseen. In some patients, 1 or 2 weekly appointments are also given for short-term control. Oftentimes, these appointments are planned in advance and will be appropriate for the patient.
What do I need to do in cases such as bracket dislocation or severe pain during orthodontic treatment?
Please inform your physician first and apply your recommendations to you. Do not try to remove this piece of wire by checking any broken wire when it is broken. If you are able to remove the swinging or releasing part in the mouth, remove it safely. Your orthodontist will reattach the torn wire at your appointment. If there is any wire sinking, you can put the wax that was given by your orthodontist before, or you can put a piece of sugarless gum on the tip of the wire. Please inform your physician if there is any break in the fittings. If the appliance can stay in your mouth, you can continue to install your appliance until your appointment.