What is Orthodontic Treatment?
Orthodontics is a dentistry specialist who deals with the normal structure and development of the dental, jaw and facial complexes, the treatment of anomalies and anomalies. In addition to the irregularities and deformities in orthodontic teeth, facial aesthetics and jaw position disorders are also treated as interdisciplinary.
What are the limits of orthodontia?
Orthodontic treatments are not treatments applied with fixed or moving appliances that only target teeth and jaws, but they also include non-interventional problems in the period until the tooth wears, following changes in growth, evaluation of developmental problems, and permanent dentition.
In addition, orthodontic treatment and habits affecting the chin facial system, as well as follow-up and treatment of conditions involving problems, are also applied. Active treatments can be applied for this purpose as well as can be eliminated in simple cases and major problems that may arise in the future.

What is the age of starting orthodontic treatment?
There is a certain age limit for each problem affecting the jaws, as well as not having an age limit in correcting tooth problems. It is followed by a 6- month specialist physician, even if the patients do not have any problems with the routine recommended ages 6-7. This is why most problems in teeth and jaws occur together with the age of 6-7, and problems that occur or symptoms that can not be diagnosed by the parents turn into more difficult problems. This provides both therapeutic advantages and physical advantages.
Can Orthodontic treatment be applied to adults?
Along with our current knowledge and developing technology, orthodontic treatment can be applied to adult people of all ages depending on the need of treatment. Treatments involving teeth can be performed in almost all ages as long as the teeth and surrounding tissues are healthy, but severe anomalies involving the jawbone can be corrected with jaw surgery at an older age.
Are the same types of braces applied to adults as those in children?
Although commonly used materials are similar, it is possible to correct dental problems with braces (lingual treatment) placed on the inner surface of specially manufactured teeth for adults or transparent plates without using wires. In such treatment alternatives, the aim is to improve patient comfort by providing a more aesthetic image.
What does jaw orthopedic mean?
"Orthopedic jaw" is an orthodontic treatment approach aimed at correcting the jaws' relation to the face or to each other, with the help of various appliances. For example, the lower jaw advancement, the lower jaw rear end, or the frontal upper jaw of the young age can be corrected with "orthopedic treatment". Orthodontic treatment is the only procedure for correcting teeth, but orthopedic treatment and orthodontic treatment are often performed together.
What is orthognatic surgery?
Orthodontic or orthopedic treatment can be used to align the teeth properly. Inter-jurisdictional relations can also be corrected to a level. However, in cases with some severe skeletal disorders, orthodontic treatment is insufficient. In such cases, a surgeon and orthodontist can work together to repair a severe anomalous surgical procedure. The aesthetic results obtained in a short time are successful and nowadays orthognathic surgical treatment is getting widespread.

How do teeth move during orthodontic treatment?
If a force is applied to the tooth with spring, wire or special tires, a movement in the direction of force occurs. The bone tissue is destroyed for a temporary period in front of the moving tooth, while the new bone texture is made in the opposite direction. Thus, the teeth, which take their new places, sit in a new bone socket.
What is reinforcement treatment?
Orthodontic treatment lasts about 1.5-2 years. Immediately after the teeth are straightened, there is a need for adaptation of the tissues around them and their changing positions. For this reason, there is always a tendency for the teeth to return to their original shape once the appliance has been removed. To prevent this, reinforcement devices have to be used in order to prevent their position in the new places of the corrected teeth. This last stage of treatment is called consolidation therapy. It is imperative that children have the necessary dedication to their teeth during this period.
What is orthodontic appliance?
Apparatus and device are synonymous. All the devices used in orthodontic treatment are known by this name.
The appliances are very diverse.
a. Some appliances can be removed from the mouth and inserted. These are called "moving appliances". The springs, screws, and bolts on them apply a force to the teeth to be corrected. Some of the movable appliances sit in both the lower and upper jaws and orthopedic treatments are performed with these devices, which are single or double body.
b. Some appliances consist of brackets affixed to teeth and braces applied to teeth. These are called "fixed apples". In the selection of apples, the decision is given by an orthodontist. As a rule, the most effective treatment is considered as soon as possible. In addition, the child's desire for treatment, adjustment and economic conditions of the family also affect the choice of appliances.
What are the compulsory rules to observe in children for orthodontic treatment?
In orthodontic treatment, there are rules that children have to obey. Parents also need to monitor their children carefully during treatment. These are the rules:
1. Before orthodontic treatment begins, the teeth should be treated and the gums should be brought to a healthy state.
2. At the beginning of the treatment, the orthodontist applies an appliance to the child according to the diagnosis he has made. This appliance and teeth are well taken care of as described in previous chapters; it is imperative to brush your teeth regularly. The tooth plaque accumulates very quickly around the brackets that are glued onto the teeth in scraper stationary devices. This should not be possible with good oral care.
3. The physician will see his / her patient on average once a month, once the treatment begins. Therefore, the great task in orthodontic treatment falls on children. For this reason, it is necessary for the children whose teeth are to be corrected to have a desire for treatment and motivation. The forced labor of the family often has a negative effect.
4. Your physician should carefully follow the recommendations on the side of the controls. These recommendations include rules such as not using the front teeth while eating, avoiding sticky foods and acidic drinks, and suggestions.
5. The appointment should not be interrupted.
6. If there is a break in the appliances, rupture or dislocation of the viscera, the treatment is interrupted. In such cases, immediate treatment should be applied.
7. Do not be bored with reinforcement treatment, the applied device should be installed regularly.