Our hospital is established on a large area of 55 thousand square meters in the center of Istanbul and has more than 500 patient beds and 120 intensive care beds. 5000 polyclinic services are provided daily. Our hospital, which is also used for the education of our students, has the opportunity to witness almost all kinds of cases and gain experience. In our faculty, which began education with 48 students in the 2011-2012 academic year, a total of 734 students are currently receiving education.
Looking at the educational opportunities; In our faculty, there are three lecture halls for 150 people used in the theoretical education of Semesters I, II and III, 8 classrooms for 20 people used in Term IV and V education, three classrooms for 50 people and reading halls, and these halls can also be used for PBL and Case-Based Sessions within the framework of the applied plan. There are 580 models and three cadavers in the anatomy laboratory, 130 student microscopes in total in the Histology, Microbiology and Physiology laboratories. There are 10 laboratory systems in the physiology laboratory to be used in student practical training. In our hospital building, there is a separate model laboratory to be used in skill training, and there are many skill models used in training of all classes from Term I to Term VI. There is also an advanced simulation mock-up available. There are 13 separate OSCE laboratories (in polyclinic setting) and an observation room to be used in clinical training and exams. Students are examined with the existing sound and camera setup, the scenarios created and the trained simulated patients by the faculty members.
A question bank was created in the automation system used for theoretical exams in assessment and evaluation. A large number of questions have been entered into the question bank by faculty members, and the questions are selected from the bank and used in formative and summative exams in all grades from Term I to V. Exams are carried out on tablets and evaluated on the system and question analysis is carried out.
The faculty members who work at our university are experienced in their fields, have established themselves in the field of science and have taken up education, research and service. All of our lecturers and faculty members have educational training.
Our faculty, which has been providing education services since 2010, is preferred among the other foundation universities Faculty of Medicine. Our preferability continues to increase every year. Our distinguished students, who come to study medicine with their conscious choices, are one of the motivational resources of all our administrative and educational staff.
Medical education in our faculty is planned and followed by both an automation program containing the Medical Education Information System and the program created by the Department of Medical Education. The contents of all courses, teaching objectives, competencies, learning objectives and teaching outcomes are determined and made available to our students. Educational contents, lecture presentations and question banks have been designed in a way that both students and lecturers can access.
Our faculty acts out with the mission of scientificness, producing science, raising scientists. The research activities of our instructors are always encouraged. Researching the number and quality of scientific researches has become one of our strategic targets. Curricular partnership has been carried out with Johns Hopkins University which is one of the worlds most reputable medical education institutes. The teaching board named "Scholarly Concentration" is being practiced at our university jointly with Johns Hopkins University. Student and lecturer exchanges are carried out with the regarding university. Our internationalism mission is carried out with the collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University and other international universities. Also, according to the support directives of our scientific research projects, the projects where the students are based in a team are prioritized and the amount of support is increased. Our students gaining competence in scientific ideas, scientific research rules, writing scientific projects, becoming a team member in scientific researches, scientific article literacy and in many other areas.