1000th Patient Treated at Bezmialem Gamma Knife Unit! 8/1/2018

​​​1000 patients were treated at the Gamma Knife Unit; a very effective method for non-invasive treatment of brain disorders, especially brain metastases.

The successful treatment of 1000 patients was celebrated with the participation of our Rector Prof. Dr. Rumeyza Kazancıoğlu and Hospital Medical Director Fadlullah Aksoy. Head of Department of Neurosurgery Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Aziz Hatipoğlu, stated that they can successfully treat many brain tumors and vascular lesions with the Gamma Knife and stated that they perform above Turkey's treatment standards. Asserting that they are cooperating with the Karolinska Institute, one of the most established hospitals in the world, both in patient treatment and academic studies, Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Aziz Hatipoğlu has expressed that Dr. Georges Sinclair, who has been a vice director at the Gamma Knife Center of the Karolinska Institute for many years in this context  is involved as a guest lecturer at the Bezmialem Department of Neurosurgery and the Gamma Knife Unit.​

1000th Patient Treated at Bezmialem Gamma Knife Unit!