The Target Officer creates the strategy action group. (Strategy Action Group consists of people who need to be in interaction during the implementation of the action plan, whose basic characteristics are determined, and its task is to implement the strategic action steps (A-F))
The Target Officer reports the actions taken by the Strategy Action Group at appropriate intervals to the “Strategic Planning Coordination Board, in accordance with the strategy table.
The Target Officer continues the implementation of the Strategic Target with the feedback from the Strategic Planning Coordination Board.
A- Situation Analysis
The purpose of this step is to determine the current situation in the subject related to the target.
Legal Obligations and Determination of Legislation
Analysis of target-related internal and external activities
Measurable determination of the difference between the current situation and the targeted situation (for each field of activity)
Legal Obligations and Determination of Legislation
In terms of legal obligations, what is the scope of education, research or services by the organization in relation to the target?
Who are the beneficiaries of these?
What are the provisions regarding the quality and quantity of education, research, services provided by the organization?
What regulations are there regarding the organization, working procedures and work processes of the organization?
What are the provisions regulating the organization's relations with other public and private sector organizations?
Does the organization's current mission include its legal obligations regarding the target?
What is the link between legal obligations and the programs and activities carried out by the organization regarding the target? (is there any program-activity corresponding to all obligations? Do all program-activities carried out have a corresponding in the list of obligations?)
Analysis of target-related internal and external activities
What are the fields of activity (education, research and services) that the target "affects" and "affects"?
What is the priority order of the relationship of these education, research and services with the target?
Who are the producers, affected and users of these education, research and services?
Measurable determination of the difference between the current situation and the targeted situation (for each goal).
What is the difference when the current situation is measured using the criteria set in the strategic goal?
Are there different criteria that can be used to determine the difference?
Can the difference be divided into meaningful parts in itself? If it is divisible, what is the measurable size of each piece?
B- Stakeholder Analysis
Participation is one of the basic elements of strategic action planning. Taking into account the views of the parties with whom the target interacts will increase the chances of implementation by ensuring the ownership of the strategic action plan. On the other hand, the demands of the beneficiaries must be known in order to shape education, research and services in line with the needs of the beneficiary. Therefore, stakeholder analysis is important.
Regarding the target with stakeholder analysis;
Ensuring an effective communication with stakeholders in the early stages of the planning process and ensuring their interest and contribution,
Identifying the views and expectations of stakeholders,
Determining the factors that may prevent the effective realization of the target and establishing new strategic targets to eliminate them and determining the Target Supervisor by the Strategic Plan Coordination Board,
Determining the relations of stakeholders with each other and possible cross conflicts,
Obtaining an idea about the strengths and weaknesses of the target by taking the opinions of the stakeholders about the target,
Determining at what stage stakeholders will contribute,
By including the opinions, suggestions and expectations of the stakeholders in the strategic planning process, it is aimed that the plan will be owned by these segments and increase the chances of implementing the plan.
Stakeholder analysis consists of the following stages:
Identifying stakeholders
Who are those who have something to do with the target?
Who are the guides of target-related education, research and services?
Who are the users of target-related education, research and services?
Who are those affected by target-related education, research and services?
Who are the influencers of target-related education, research and services?
Prioritization of stakeholders; The identified stakeholders may be in number that would make it impossible to communicate effectively with all of them. Therefore, it is necessary to prioritize the determined stakeholders by grouping or grouping them in order to ensure efficiency in taking stakeholder views and reflecting them on the plan.
Stakeholder evaluation; Prioritized stakeholders are evaluated comprehensively at this stage. The questions to be answered while evaluating the stakeholders are as follows:
Stakeholder evaluation; Prioritized stakeholders are evaluated comprehensively at this stage. The questions to be answered while evaluating the stakeholders are as follows:
What activity of the organization (education, research and service) is the stakeholder concerned with?
What are the expectations of the stakeholder from the organization?
How does the stakeholder affect the organization's activities (education, research and service)? (positive-negative)
What is the power of the stakeholder to influence the organization?
How is the stakeholder affected by the organization's activities (education, research and service)? (positive-negative)
Receiving and evaluating opinions and suggestions; Taking the opinions and suggestions of the priority stakeholders about the establishment and reflecting them on the strategic plan is carried out within a program. This program is created within the framework of the following:
By which method will opinions and suggestions be received?
Which person or units will be consulted in terms of the relevant stakeholder?
Who will be responsible for the work?
When and how much time will it take place to receive opinions and suggestions?
When, how and by whom will the opinions and suggestions received be reported and evaluated?
C- SWOT Analysis and Strategy Formulation;
One of the basic methods that can be used in creating a target-oriented strategy is target-oriented SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. In general, SWOT is a method in which the organization itself and the conditions affecting the organization are systematically examined. In this context, the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and the opportunities and threats that may occur outside the organization are determined. This analysis provides the basis for other stages of the strategic planning process.
Internal Analysis:
1. Organization's Structure Related to the Objective
The hierarchical structure of the organization regarding the target
Units performing the same or similar task related to the target and authorization conflicts
Recently, important changes in the organization structure and task area regarding the target
Significant changes in the structure of the organization and in the field of duty regarding the target on the agenda
Target-related monitoring and evaluation system
2.Human Resources
The number and distribution of the organization's target-related personnel
Education level, competence and experience of target personnel
Corporate Culture
Target-related communication processes
Target-related decision-making processes
Traditions and values regarding the goal
The technological infrastructure of the organization regarding the target
Level of use of target related technology
5. Financial Status
Financial resources allocated to the target and budget size
The organization's target-related tools, building inventory and other assets
ii. External Analysis:
External changes and trends that may affect the institution are evaluated. Within the scope of the analysis, economic, social, demographic, cultural, political, environmental, technological and competitive factors should be determined.
Target-related environmental analysis factors;
Global situation and developments in the field of health and impact of the organization related to the target
The situation and developments in our country in the field of health and impact of the organization regarding the target
Among the main trends and problems related to the target in the world and in our country, critical issues that closely concern the target and how and in what direction these issues will affect the target
Risks and uncertainties that the organization may face with the target
Strategy Formulation Method:
Strategy is the set of decisions that show how to achieve the goal. It is not possible to achieve goals without effective strategies.
In order to achieve the goals set up for the mission and vision, after the process of setting the goals, strategic actions must be planned. Strategy is the plan that provides the best path to follow to reach the goal. This plan should be designed in a way to enable the organization to use its strengths better, strengthen its weaknesses or minimize its effects, avoid environmental threats and take advantage of opportunities in the process of achieving the goal, and should also include research and planning alternative routes to the goal.
For this reason, firstly a "goal-oriented SWOT analysis" should be done and then the alternative routes to the target and the process of solving the problems in these roads should be reviewed.
When the strategic plan is finished, a complete action map with dates, officials and details of actions is obtained.
i. Target oriented SWOT analysis:
In addition, the strengths (G) and weaknesses (Z) of the organization, which are revealed in the SWOT analysis, opportunities (F) and threats (T) originating from the external environment can be used in strategy production. With this method, the following alternative strategies can be developed.
ZT Strategies: It is aimed at minimizing the negative effects of weaknesses and threats.
ZF Strategies: It is aimed at minimizing the negative effects of the weaknesses of the institution while making the most of the possible positive effects of the opportunities. By taking advantage of external opportunities, strategies can be created to eliminate existing weaknesses.
GF Strategies: These are the strategies developed to make the most of both the strengths of the institution and the positive effects of the opportunities offered by the external environment. These strategies make it possible to take maximum advantage of external opportunities by using the strengths of the institution.
f Path:
One of the methods that can be used while creating target strategies is "Alternative Way". With the critical questions method, the problems encountered in achieving the goals and objectives can be determined and strategies can be developed to minimize these problems.
What can be done to reach the goal?
What are the possible problems and how can we overcome them?
What are the alternative ways and methods that can be followed to reach the goal?
What are the costs, positive and negative aspects of alternatives?
D- Requirements Completion
It is done to determine and plan the institutional resources required for the realization of strategic actions.
Financial Resource Planning:
Basic Questions to be Answered in the Planning Process
Have alternative ways to achieve the goal been put forward?
What is the role and importance of each activity in the process of achieving the goal? Are these activities necessary?
Is the goal achieved when all the specified activities are carried out? Are other activities needed to achieve the goal?
Are there any activities currently carried out to achieve the goal?
Were their interactions with each other taken into account when scheduling the activities?
Who are the units responsible for fulfilling the objectives and underlying activities, and what are their responsibilities and efficiency levels?
What are the hardware, goods and service procurement requirements and costs required to carry out the activities?
ii. Human Resource Planning:
Is the human resource required for the realization of the activities numerically sufficient?
Is the human resource required for the realization of the activities qualitatively sufficient?
E- Application
It is the implementation of the implementation in accordance with the Strategy Table.
It is done by ensuring the full and correct use of defined procedures and instructions for the application.
F- Monitoring-Evaluation;
Monitoring is the systematic monitoring and reporting of the strategic plan implementation. Evaluation, on the other hand, is the measurement of implementation results compared to the goals and objectives and the analysis of the consistency and appropriateness of the said goals and objectives.
In order to implement the activities aimed at achieving the goals and objectives included in the strategic plan, an action plan should be prepared, including who or which units are responsible on the basis of goals, objectives and activities, when to realize and which resources will be used. The action plan will also facilitate monitoring and evaluation. Reporting the developments regarding the realization of the goals and objectives at a certain frequency and submitting them to the evaluation of the relevant parties and internal and external authorities constitute the monitoring activities.
Monitoring performance is the basis of the monitoring activity. For this, data on performance indicators should be collected and evaluated regularly.
Performance indicators are classified as input, output, efficiency, result and quality indicators.
Input: The human, financial and physical resources required for the production of a product or service. Input indicators reflect the initial state of measurement.
Output: The amount of products and services produced. Although output indicators provide information about the quantity of goods and services produced, they are not self-explanatory on whether the results have been achieved or the quality of the goods or services produced and the efficiency of the production process.
Productivity: It is the input or cost per unit of output. Shows the relationship between inputs and outputs.
Conclusion: Outcome indicators show how and to what extent the outcomes achieved are successful in achieving the goals and objectives. The level of success in achieving the targeted results is expressed in terms of effectiveness. Result indicators are the most important performance indicators in terms of revealing whether the goals and objectives have been achieved.
Quality: The level reached in meeting the expectations of those who benefit from education, research and services or those concerned. (measures such as reliability, accuracy, behavior, sensitivity, and integrity).
SPO Strategic Planning guide was used as a source.
APPENDIX: Strategy Table:
(Click to download the table in Word format.)
1. This table ensures that all actions are taken into consideration in terms of time, responsibities, methods and expected output;
Target Manager | | | | | | | | |
Target | | | | | | | | |
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| Planinng | Application
Components | Action | Date | | Supervisor | Resource | Method (Instruction) | Expected Output (in terms of input, output, efficiency, result and quality) | Evaluation and Feedback |
Situation Analysis | | | | | | | | |
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Stakeholder Analysis | | | | | | | | |
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GZFT | | | | | | | | |
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Requirement Completion | | | | | | | | |
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Strategy | | | | | | | | |
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